Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence ALTE Department
Centre for English as a Foreign Language BD002 Department
Department of International Business, Marketing and Tourism BU002 Department
Department of Law & Finance BU001 Department
Department of Strategy & Management BU003 Department
Expand Your Horizons XP Programme
Graduate School of Business BU005 Department
Library, Learning Resources and Information LLRI Programme
Overseas Partner lists UOB-AP Programme
School of Accounting, Finance and Law BU006 Department
School of Applied Social Sciences HS060 Department
School of Arts and Creative Industries CM005 Department
School of Aviation, Marketing and Tourism BU007 Department
School of Computer Science and Technology CM010 Department
School of Education BD044 Department
School of Education and English BD001 Department
School of Healthcare Practice HS001 Department
School of Leadership and Management BU004 Department
School of Life Sciences CM252 Department
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Education HS050 Department
School of Psychology CM004 Department
School of Society, Community and Health HS070 Department
School of Sport Science and Physical Activity BD032 Department
Student Journey SJ Programme
Study Hub (Learning Resources) LRSH Department
Templates UOBT Level

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